As a show or season sponsor, you or your business will have your logo displayed on all promotional materials, a full page ad will be placed in our playbills, verbal recognition during each pre-show announcement, promotion in our newsletter and on social media, and a thank you letter from SCT!
Beauty and the Beast
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
The Cat in the Hat
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Shrek the Musical
A special thank you to all our current season sponsors:
Jeff & LeeAnn Kole
Lesher Family Foundation
Thrivent Financial
advertise at sct
By advertising in Savannah Children’s Theatre playbills, you reach a diverse audience from all areas of our community. SCT audiences include young children, teenagers, parents, senior citizens, and military.
Program Ads have the potential to reach as many as 600 people each weekend. Your ad can include your business logo, a coupon, promotion, or well wishes to the cast and crew.
Ad sizes
Quarter Page (2.75″ x 4.5” or 5.5″ x 2.10″): $50-$150
Half Page (5.5″ x 4.25″): $75-$250
Full Page (5.5″ x 8.5″): $150-$350
Inside Cover (5.5″ x 8.5″ Color): $350-$1000 (subject to availability)
Prices Vary by production
Submit your Ad request using the form below. If you have questions, contact Programs@savannahchildrenstheatre.org
An invoice will be sent once the ad request is processed.
Advertise for as little as