SCT Encore is a new program that allows teens & young adults to participate in theatre with more mature themes. We feel strongly that young, emerging artists should learn how to approach mature content in an environment that values their individuality & their creative development.
Classic theatre pieces such as The Phantom of the Opera, Jekyll & Hyde, Carrie & others contain a wealth of opportunities to inspire, educate & entertain young artists who are interested in pursuing a more intense theatre experience that will prepare them for the world of theatre outside of SCT’s purple walls.
Be sure to follow us on social media or join our newsletter to receive updates on upcoming auditions & performances!
Audition Announcement!
SCT Encore's
next production will be
- omg you guys -
Performances will be July 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 & 13 at The Historic Savannah Theatre.
Auditions may be submitted by video to auditions@savannahchildrenstheatre.org between now & May 1.
Please prepare 16 bars of a pop song, 16 bars of a musical theatre ballad & a 1-minute monologue.
SCT Encore is limited to rising highschool- & college-age participants. All roles are available. All roles are volunteer. All abilities & ethnicities are encouraged to submit.